Saturday, September 17, 2011

turd post of the day...

So, the corn that was on sale at the store that I went to this morning was delicious!! All yellowy, golden and so juicy. I love this time of year.

The people who were in the lineup were so interesting, I love to people watch, there was one with zebra patterned leather pants, I am guessing he belonged to the zebra print motorcycle out front.

Then there was the mom with the million kids, and they were all crying and screaming. I was going to buy them each a chocolate bar to keep them quiet, but the mother wasn't going to let her kids have any sugar. Wonder why?

Oh and the classic, the older lady at the front of the line, holding us all up by counting her change, one penny at a time!!

And this is my Second!!

Hey Ruth!! Guess What??

This is My First Ever Post!!

and it needs to be reallllllllllllllllly long.  gotta get a few up here and then make one of those "read more" thingies.  how the hell am i supposed to "read more" if there's only 20 characters!  honestly, what could i possibly write about that would fill such a huge space... today i went to the grocery store and corn was on sale!!  omfg, like totally!! i can't wait to get home and blog alllll about it,  i'd talk about the line up and quality of the corn and express my every thought regarding corn.  it'll be the most awesomest blog post ever and everyone will read it and make me famous!!  and then i'll buy icecream... wooot

hmmm prolly still not long enough, this could get out of hand, maybe i'lll just use more punctuationo to make it fill up space

if you want a million dollars all you have to do is...
